



(G)I-DLEs YUQI Is "A Certified Freak," Just Like Everyone Else

APR 24 from

宋雨琦 -《YUQ1》

Release Date: 2024.04.23


02.My Way

03.Drink It Up (Feat. pH-1)

04.Red Rover

05.On Clap (Feat. Lexie Liu)

06.Everytime (With MINNIE)

07.Could It Be




On her debut solo EP, (G)I-DLEs YUQI has one wish: for all the "freaks" around the world to confidently sing along with her.


YUQ1 boasted a whopping 500,000 pre-order sales prior to its April 23 release, demonstrating the Chinese singer/songwriters tremendous popularity. YUQIs creative flair permeates everything from the music itself to its accompanying visuals, as does her desire to stand alone. "Im a certified freak," she sings, celebrating the liberation she feels when embracing her uniqueness.

《YUQ1》在 4 月 23 日发行前的预购销量高达 500,000 份,显示了这位中国歌手/作曲家的超高人气。从音乐本身到视觉效果,宋雨琦的创造力无处不在,她渴望独树一帜。"我是个名副其实的怪胎"她用歌声歌颂了拥抱自己独特性时所感受到的解放。



YUQI is the third member of (G)I-DLE to make her solo debut, and the quintets second member to release a solo EP. While YUQI has released her own music before — including the digital album A Page and singles "Bad Liar" and "Fire!" with Alan Walker and JVKE — YUQ1 marks her first lengthier release. 

宋雨琦 是(G)I-DLE的第三位个人出道的成员,也是五人组合的第二位发行个人EP的成员。虽然宋雨琦之前发行过自己的音乐,包括数字专辑《A Page》以及与Alan Walker和JVKE合作的单曲《Bad Liar》和《Fire!》,但《YUQ1》标志着她首次发行更长时间的音乐。

YUQI added an additional level of authenticity to her EP by contributing compositions and lyrics to most of the tracks, meticulously working on crafting her unique artist identity as she dabbles in different genres. From the red rabbit mascot on the concept photos to the lyric in "FREAK" that mentions her Zodiac sign Libra, YUQ1 is a reflection of the singers free-spirited yet delicate artistic qualities. 

YUQI 通过为大部分歌曲贡献作品和歌词,为她的 EP 增加了额外的真实性,在涉足不同流派的同时精心打造她独特的艺术家身份。从概念照片上的红兔吉祥物到《 FREAK》的歌词中提到了她的星座天秤座,《YUQ1》是歌手自由精神的反映,同时也是精致的艺术品质。



This isnt the first time YUQI has preached about being proud of yourself and your life. Her trendy 2021 house-inspired single "Bonnie & Clyde" (from A Page) similarly depicts a high level of confidence, as well as a fearlessness when it comes to facing whatever life throws at you. And YUQI has truly lived this bravery as an artist who moved from her home country to Korea, learned a new language, and experienced the strenuous K-Pop training system.

这已经不是宋雨琦第一次宣扬“为自己和你的生活感到骄傲”了。她2021年流行的以房子为灵感的单曲《Bonnie&Clyde》(出自《A Page》)同样描绘了一种高度的自信,以及面对生活带给你的一切时的无畏。作为一名从祖国到韩国,学习了一门新语言,并经历了艰苦的K-Pop训练系统的艺术家,YUQI确实活出了这种勇敢。



《A Page》时期

While YUQI has grown exponentially over the past six years as a member of (G)I-DLE and as a solo act, she still feels the need to be perfect. And while (G)I-DLE is the only K-Pop girl group to achieve a "perfect all-kill" on major domestic charts with four consecutive releases, YUQI believes she hasnt succeeded yet.  


As her understanding of creating her crafts deepens, YUQIs self-awareness also grows. "The depth of my understanding of the songs I create has significantly changed and improved," YUQI tells "I, personally [and] as an artist, have matured a lot!"


Perhaps she picked up some of these facets from her father. "Honestly, even without joking, my father taught me everything when I was 3 years old," she says with a laugh.


While in Seoul, YUQI sat down with to share why she thinks everyone is a "freak," and how this era marks the beginning for her as a solo artist. The interview has been edited for clarity.

在首尔期间,宋雨琦接受了 的采访,分享了她认为每个人都是 "怪胎 "的原因。以及这个时代怎样标志着她作为个人艺术家的开始。为了清晰起见,采访经过了编辑。


1.This is just your first mini-album, but do you already have a vision for your solo career?


I tried to capture the YUQI thats real and confident in this album. No matter what other people say about me, Im not the weird one. But, in fact, I think everyone is a "freak," too.  This album expresses my confidence and emotional life through music. I wanted to convey that you just have to live confidently too, just as I do. When preparing for my solo album, I also tried different hairstyles that Ive never tried as a (G)I-DLE member!

我试图在这张专辑中捕捉真实而自信的雨琦。不管别人怎么说我,我不是那个怪人。但事实上,我认为每个人都是 "怪胎"。这张专辑通过音乐表达了我的自信和情感生活。我想表达的是,你们也要像我一样自信地生活。在准备个人专辑时,我还尝试了作为 (G)I-DLE 成员从未尝试过的不同发型!

2. Youve previously shared that moving to Korea alone to pursue this career was difficult, and your parents were strongly against it at first. Do you think those uncertainties and challenges played a huge role in making who you are?


Definitely! That situation did play a huge role in my career. I just kept on believing in myself and moving forward for my dream and what I wanted to achieve. And through the journey, I discovered that believing in yourself is the best way and that mindset helped me a lot. I was insecure about my voice when I first came to Korea. But then, everyone told me how precious my voice was. Just like my unique voice, I believe there were many aspects of myself that I wasnt initially aware of, which contributed to my growth as an artist.  Im always open and working hard to listen to many peoples opinions so Ill be able to have a broad perspective. It helps me and makes me develop myself in many ways!


3. Your music often tackles common worries about growing up, and some of the songs on YUQ1 are inspired by your personal experience such as "My Way" and "Everytime." How do you feel about sharing this side of yourself with the public?

你的音乐经常解决人们对成长的普遍担忧,《YUQ1》上的一些歌曲的灵感来自你的个人经历,如《My Way》和《Everytime》。你对与公众分享自己的这一面有何感受?

When I talk about my worries and tell a story about them, I feel that everyone actually shares similar experiences regardless of the circumstances theyve been through or will go through.


4. In a previous interview with, you said that your biggest takeaway since debuting in (G)I-DLE is to always be proud of yourself. Do you feel that way now, or is there a gap that you think you need to fill in order to achieve that pride?

在之前接受 的采访时,你说自从出演 (G)I-DLE 以来,你最大的收获就是永远为自己感到骄傲。你现在是否有这种感觉,或者你是否认为需要填补一个缺口,才能实现这种自豪感?

Honestly, my thoughts have not changed over the years. I still feel proud of myself, always! Something that would not change, is that I would still [like to] challenge myself and try to do anything I want to go after.  Also, I always think that Im not perfect and always try to make up for what is lacking.


5. You believe you havent succeeded yet. However, youve already come so far in peoples eyes. At what point in time do you believe you can proudly say "I made it"?


When people only see me in the media, they would think that I have succeeded a lot. But for me, personally, I dont think so… I still have many things to do in order to succeed in my career. And I always try to keep moving forward with my goals. My biggest dream, both now and in the past, has always been to live a happy life. It changes from time to time often, but I guess living a happy life is my ultimate goal.



6. You never forget to mention how you want to always keep improving in interviews. How would you describe YUQI who works really hard to showcase her growth right now?


While preparing for this album, I have experienced so many things that I havent experienced fully before. For instance, there are so many genres I explored while preparing for this album. Also, it was the first time where I designed my own album, came up with the concept, and had a full album with all the songs that I composed!  This album definitely allowed me to grow as an artist. Even though there were a lot of difficulties, I believe that those are part of the journey and made YUQI even more mature, have more responsibilities, and be aware of them.


7. Could you share some insights and walk us through your involvement in the songwriting process?


I have participated in composing and lyrics for (G)I-DLEs songs in our previous albums. However, this was my first time composing an album on my own.  It makes me think I can actually do more diverse things, and I believe I was able to do what I wanted to do for myself in this album. It was a great opportunity to include many songs in my own way and style and was able to show new aspects that I have never shown before with my group.

我参与了 (G)I-DLE 以前专辑中歌曲的作曲和作词。不过,这是我第一次独立创作专辑。这让我觉得我其实可以做更多不同的事情,我相信我能够在这张专辑中做到我自己想做的事情。这是一个很好的机会,我可以用自己的方式和风格演唱许多歌曲,还可以展示我的团队从未展示过的新面貌。

8. You worked with MINNIE, pH-1, and Lexie Liu on the albums "Everytime," "Drink It Up," and "On Clap," respectively. What made you choose to feature them on those particular songs, and what was the experience like?

你与MINNIE、pH-1和Lexie Liu分别合作了专辑的《Everytime》、《Drink It Up》和《on Clap》。是什么让你选择在这些特定的歌曲中加入它们,你的体验怎样?

I think and feel that [MINNIEs] unique voice always suits every song! Ive always wanted to work with her and Im glad that she was able to be part of my album.  And pH-1 was an artist that Ive always wanted to work with. There was a rap part in "Drink It Up" and I was trying to look for a rapper that would perfectly fit into that part, and pH-1 came into my mind. I had so much fun working with him and he perfectly matched the style that I thought of. Even though it was our first time working together, he was very friendly!  Lexie and I have been close friends for a long time. We always promised to work together, and I thought this time was the perfect opportunity to do so. Im thankful that we worked on a song together.

我认为并感觉到Minnie独特的嗓音总是适合每首歌!我一直想和她一起合作,我很高兴她能成为我专辑的一部分。pH-1是我一直想与之合作的艺术家。《Drink It Up》中有一个说唱部分,我正试图寻找一个完全适合这个部分的说唱歌手,pH-1出现在我的脑海中。我和他一起工作很开心,他完全符合我的风格。尽管这是我们第一次一起工作,但他非常友好!刘柏辛Lexie和我是很长时间的亲密朋友。我们一直承诺要合作,我认为这次是一个完美的机会。我很感激我们一起创作了一首歌。


9. The main character on the track list photo is a red rabbit. Its also in the music video and some of your concept photos. Could you tell us the backstory of who that is and what that represents?


I was born in the year of a Rabbit and my favorite color is red! So, I decided to have a red rabbit as my main character. And that represents YUQI itself. When you look at the track list, you can see that the rabbits facial expressions and comments change depending on the song. In that sense, I think it is a character that shows YUQIs day in various aspects! When most people think of a red rabbit, I think that what comes to their mind is that it could be mysterious and scary. And so, I wanted to add some fun elements to the music video and give that feel of a horror movie. 




10. Whats one line from a song on YUQ1 that hit you the most? And whats something you want the listeners to resonate with the songs?


[A line] from my title track "FREAK"! I think its going to be the chorus part, "Im a certified FREAK." I often talk about my strength as an artist and I saw a lot of comments asking, "Why is she like that?" and "Why is she talking about her own strength?"  These comments actually gave me a lot of inspiration while writing this song. People who judge me… that way, they are also "FREAK" like everyone else. This is the reason I chose this part. The song contains a message that since you only live once, live yourself whatever you want to do without worrying about what others think.

来自我的主打歌《FREAK》!我觉得应该是副歌部分“我是个怪胎”我经常谈论我作为一个艺术家的力量,我看到很多评论问,“为什么她是这样的?”“她为什么要谈论自己的力量?”写这首歌的时候,这些评论给了我很多灵感。那些评判我的人... 那样的话,他们也和其他人一样是“怪胎”。这就是我选择这个角色的原因。这首歌包含了一个信息,既然你只活一次,那么你想做什么就做什么,不要担心别人怎么想。




